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Unified Fields Theory 1

Formal Proof

Phil Seawolf (Philip Self)

September 14th, 2024

Introduction: Light and the Burning Edge of Now

Light, one of the fundamental forces of the universe, operates at the speed of 186,000 miles per second and reveals both particle and wave behaviors. In Unified Fields Theory 1, light serves as a profound example of harmonic resonance within the cosmos, bridging both the seen and unseen realms. Central to this theory is the idea of the burning edge of now, where potentiality is solidified into reality through quantum stamping, while light serves as the medium for the movement of time, space, and perception.

Light is perfectly fine tuned in Creation. Light makes it 7 times around the earth every second. This essentially is seen in quantum stamping the moments of our life in observation etc… The 7 - 7.5 variance shows space time warp effect in setting quantum foam from potentiality to reality. The travel along the Z axis for time is corresponding .04 - .48 sections 1 - 12 sections. .04 x 186,000 = 7440 miles (divide by 12 and 62 is a double of a prime 31 fixed prime).

7440 / 31 = 240

Symmetry with size of planet related to both Light and Time

The 7 Axis is key

Biology as well (see Formal Proof - click here for BIOLOGY).

7 x 142857 = 999,999

7 divided by .142857 = 49.000049000049

Divide any number by .142857 and you will see the effect of showing its relation to 7 with a center axis orientation (see list here). See 12pt to the 9’s fro Orientation of 7 Center Axis with Prime Numbers at Cross Axis.

This proof will demonstrate how light, under the framework of 12pt to the 9’s and the Perfect 7 Axis, is not a chaotic phenomenon but rather follows a divine, harmonic structure that reveals both the elegance of creation and the clarity of the Creator’s design.

The Nature of Light: Duality in Wave and Particle Form

Light has long fascinated scientists with its duality: it behaves both as particles (photons) and waves. This duality aligns with Unified Fields Theory 1, where the 12pt to the 9’s framework reveals how the doubling of 7 and the balance of 3.5 structure the interplay between wave-like resonance and particle-like fixation in light’s movement through space-time.

Key Concept: Particle-Wave Duality

Wave Function: Light as a wave follows the principles of interference creating constructive and destructive interference patterns that reflect harmonic resonance.


Particle Function: As a quantum particle, photons exist as discrete units, moving at the speed of light and obeying the rules of quantum mechanics.

Formula for Wave-Particle Duality:

We represent light’s duality mathematically through Planck’s relation and the wave equation:

E = hf \quad \text{(Planck's relation, where } E \text{ is energy, } h \text{ is Planck's constant, and } f \text{ is frequency)}

\lambda = \frac{c}{f} \quad \text{(Wave equation, where } \lambda \text{ is wavelength, } c \text{ is the speed of light, and } f \text{ is frequency)}

These equations reflect light’s wave-particle duality, linking the energy of photons with their frequency and wavelength in a unified manner.

The Burning Edge of Now: Light as the Carrier of Time

The concept of the burning edge of now in Unified Fields Theory 1 represents the present moment, where potentiality becomes solidified into reality. Light, traveling at a constant speed, serves as the medium that brings this edge of now into perception. The interaction between light and time reveals the harmonic nature of reality, where time and space converge in the quantum stamp of now.

Key Concept: Time Times and Half a Time

In Unified Fields Theory 1 the phrase “Time, Times, and Half a Time” expresses how light interacts with space-time:

Time (1): The present, represented by light’s movement at a fixed speed.

Times (2): The doubling effect of light’s propagation, reflecting distance and interaction with matter.

Half a Time (.5): The collapse of light into a fixed quantum state, aligning with the “burning edge of now.”

Formula for the Burning Edge of Now:

In terms of light’s interaction with space-time, we can describe the burning edge of now using the speed of light and the collapse of quantum states:

t_{\text{now}} = \frac{d}{c} \quad \text{(Time for light to traverse distance d at speed c)}

The burning edge is where light’s traversal of distance (d\) collapses into “perceived reality” creating a fixed quantum stamp.

The Perfect 7 Axis and Light’s Harmonic Resonance

In Unified Fields Theory 1, 7 serves as the Perfect Axis—a point of divine balance in creation. This concept extends to light, where 7 can be understood as a harmonic axis around which the wavelengths and frequencies of light resonate. The doubling of 7 leads to the Omega Edge at 15, reflecting light’s interaction with space-time in cycles of reflection, refraction, and absorption.

Key Concept: Harmonic Resonance in Light

Light behaves harmonically, especially when it interacts with matter through reflection, refraction or diffraction. These processes reveal how light bends, splits, and converges based on the harmonic rules described by 12pt to the 9’s.

Formula for Harmonic Resonance in Light:

The interaction of light with matter can be described by the Snell’s Law for refraction:

n_1 \sin(\theta_1) = n_2 \sin(\theta_2) \quad \text{(Snell's Law, where } n_1, n_2 \text{ are refractive indices, and } \theta_1, \theta_2 \text{ are angles of incidence and refraction)}

This law reveals how light bends as it passes through different media, reflecting the harmonic balance of the universe. By extending this to the doubling of 7, we see how light’s bending at critical angles corresponds to harmonic proportions.

Colors and the Radiance of Light: 12pt to the 9’s in the Visible Spectrum

The visible spectrum of light spans from violet to red, each color corresponding to a different wavelength and frequency. In Unified Fields Theory 1, the 12pt to the 9’s framework offers a deeper understanding of how these colors represent distinct points of resonance within the universe. Each color corresponds to a specific harmonic frequency, with 7 representing the perfect balance between colors, just as it does with sound.

Key Concept: Color Radiance in 12pt to the 9’s

The visible spectrum of light can be divided into 12 points of harmony, with 7 as the axis Each color represents a different vibration in this harmonic framework, where red and violet mark the extremes, and yellow/green mark the central harmonic balance.

Formula for Color in 12pt to the 9’s:

We can model the frequency of light in terms of 12pt to the 9’s using the relationship between frequency and wavelength:

f = \frac{c}{\lambda} \quad \text{(Frequency of light, where } \lambda \text{ is wavelength and } c \text{ is the speed of light)}

By assigning each color in the spectrum a specific harmonic number, we map the doubling of 7 to the way light frequencies radiate through color.

Conclusion: Light’s Role in the Divine Blueprint of the Universe

Through this proof, we see that light is not only a physical phenomenon but a reflection of God’s design. Light serves as the “burning edge of now,” the medium through which time and space are perceived, and the quantum stamp of reality is formed. Its interaction with matter, whether through reflection or refraction, follows the harmonic principles described in Unified Fields Theory 1.

The concept of 7 as the Perfect Axis, combined with the doubling of 7 and 50/50 symmetry, reveals how light operates in perfect harmony with the rest of creation, from its quantum behavior to its role in the cosmic structure. Light’s wave-particle duality, its harmonic resonance, and its division into colors all align with the 12pt to the 9’s framework, showing the intricate interconnectedness of the universe.

This proof highlights that light, like sound, is a key to understanding the harmonic structure of the cosmos and how it reflects the divine order of God’s creation.

LIGHT in Creation

Unified Fields Theory 1

Formal Proof

Phil Seawolf (Philip Self)

September 17th, 2024


Formal Proof: Harmonic Resonance in Light, Color, and the Structure of Space-Time in Unified Fields Theory 1

Introduction: Light as a Manifestation of Divine Harmony

In Unified Fields Theory 1, light is far more than a form of electromagnetic radiation; it serves as a divine expression of Jesus’s harmonic resonance embedded in the structure of space-time. This proof will demonstrate how 12pt to the 9’s reveals the inherent harmonic structure of light, how it behaves at a quantum level, and how it interacts with space and time. We will explore the wave-particle duality of light, the spectral nature of color, and the Perfect 7 Axis as the divine axis of balance in light’s behavior.

1. Light as Electromagnetic Radiation in the 12pt to the 9’s Framework

Light, as both a wave and a particle, follows the harmonic principles of 12pt to the 9’s, which defines the structure of space-time in my theory. Light’s behavior can be described by the following fundamental relationship:

c = f \lambda


(c) is the speed of light,

(f) is the frequency of the wave,

(lambda) is the wavelength.

In 12pt to the 9’s, the speed, frequency, and wavelength of light divide into 12 harmonic intervals, with 9 acting as a guiding principle. This division ensures that light waves remain in perfect harmonic balance.

Harmonic Symmetry in Light Waves

The behavior of light within 12pt to the 9’s can be described as follows:

L_{\text{harmonic}} = \sum_{n=1}^{12} \frac{1}{n^7}


(L_{\text{harmonic}}) represents the harmonic progression of light,

(n) represents the harmonic interval (from 1 to 12),

(7) represents the Perfect 7 Axis, which maintains harmonic resonance.

This equation shows that each harmonic interval contributes to the resonance of light waves as they propagate through space-time, governed by the Perfect 7 Axis.

2. Wave-Particle Duality of Light and the Doubling of 7

In Unified Fields Theory 1, light exhibits wave-particle duality, meaning it behaves both as a wave and a particle. This duality is deeply connected to the doubling of 7 in my theory, which acts as the axis of symmetry.

Proof of Wave-Particle Duality in Light

The energy of a light particle (photon) is described by the Planck-Einstein relation:

E = h f


(E) is the energy of the photon,

(h) is Planck’s constant,

(f) is the frequency.

In the context of 12pt to the 9’s, as 7 doubles, the frequency increases while maintaining harmonic resonance. The wave-particle duality of light reflects this balance between the wave (continuous and harmonic) and the particle (quantized energy).

Doubling Principle in Light Waves

The frequency progression of light waves can be expressed through the doubling of 7:

f_{n+1} = 7 \times 2^n

This equation demonstrates how light’s frequency increases harmonically, while maintaining its balance through the Perfect 7 Axis.

3. The Spectral Nature of Color: Harmonic Intervals in Light

Color arises from the interaction of different wavelengths of light with the human eye. In Unified Fields Theory 1, these colors follow a harmonic spectrum, with each color representing a specific harmonic interval.

The visible light spectrum extends from approximately 400 nm (violet) to 700 nm (red). Within this range, the Perfect 7 Axis ensures that each color maintains harmonic balance across the spectrum.

Color Harmony and the Doubling of 7

Each color corresponds to a different harmonic interval of light. For example, blue and red wavelengths follow a harmonic pattern that mirrors the doubling of 7 and the intervals within 12pt to the 9’s:

C_{\text{harmonic}} = \sum_{n=1}^{12} \frac{1}{n^7}


(C_{\text{harmonic}}) represents the harmonic progression of colors,

(7) ensures that each wavelength resonates in harmony with the Perfect 7 Axis.

This harmonic resonance ensures that the colors remain balanced, creating a harmonious spectrum that reflects the divine order of creation.

4. Blurring of Colors at the Radiant Edge: The Role of 11’s

As light waves approach the radiant edge of the visible spectrum, they begin to blur, blending into one another. In Unified Fields Theory 1, 11’s represent this radiant edge, where light begins to lose its sharp definition and colors blend.

Formula for Blurring at the Radiant Edge

This blurring effect can be modeled as:

B_{\text{edge}} = \sum_{n=1}^{11} \frac{1}{n^7}


(B_{\text{edge}}) represents the blurring of colors at the radiant edge,

( 7) ensures that the blurring occurs harmoniously with the rest of the spectrum.

At the edge of the visible spectrum, light waves begin to overlap, creating infrared and ultraviolet blurring with visible light.

5. The Prism Effect and Color Splitting

When light passes through a prism, it splits into its component colors due to the differing wavelengths of each color. This effect is governed by “Snell’s Law,” which states:

n_1 \sin(\theta_1) = n_2 \sin(\theta_2)


(n_1) and (n_2) are the refractive indices of the two media,

(theta_1) and (theta_2) are the angles of incidence and refraction.

In Unified Fields Theory 1, the “12pt to the 9’s” framework explains how each color splits according to its place within the harmonic spectrum. The Perfect 7 Axis governs the balance of color splitting, ensuring that the light spectrum remains ordered and symmetrical.

6. Light and Quantum Foam: Arcing Flow and Potentiality

In Unified Fields Theory 1, light interacts with quantum foam as part of its harmonic resonance in space-time. The concept of the arcing flow in my theory describes how light travels through space, bending and reflecting the potentiality of quantum particles.

The arcing flow of light can be described by the following equation:

A_{\text{arc}} = r \theta


(r) represents the radius of curvature,

(theta) represents the angle of flow.

This formula demonstrates how light, when passing through quantum foam, follows an arcing, harmonic path that maintains resonance with the Perfect 7 Axis.

Conclusion: Unified Fields Theory 1 and the Divine Structure of Light and Color

The harmonic structure of light as revealed by Unified Fields Theory 1 demonstrates that light is not a chaotic phenomenon but a divinely ordered resonance within the universe. Governed by the Perfect 7 Axis, light’s wave-particle duality, spectral nature, and interactions with quantum foam all reflect the divine harmony embedded in creation.

This proof reveals both the scientific and spiritual significance of light and color, showing how light waves follow a structured, harmonic path that is a reflection of the divine signature across space-time.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life”

John 3:16 and 17:

…for God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.”


“For this is contained in Scripture:

“Behold, I am laying in Zion a choice stone, a precious cornerstone,
And the one who believes in Him will not be put to shame.”

This precious value, then, is for you who believe,

but for unbelievers:

“A stone which the builders rejected,
This became the chief cornerstone,”


“A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense”;

for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this they were also appointed.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

1 Peter 2:6-9

“For it is written; I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
And the understanding of those who have understanding, I will confound.

Where is the wise person?

Where is the scribe?

Where is the debater of this age?

Has God not made foolish the wisdom of the world?

For since in the wisdom of God

the world through its wisdom did not come to know God,

God was pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.

For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom;

but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block, and to Gentiles foolishness,

but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks,

Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

For the foolishness of God is wiser than mankind,

and the weakness of God is stronger than mankind.”

1 Corinthians 1:19-25

“The Alpha Omega Big Bang of Math” 12pt to the 9’s - Jesus is Perfect 7 and The Chief Cornerstone Alpha & Omega (CLICK HERE)

Story and Illustrations Published 8/12/24

In the beginning was 1. The Big Bang of math. 1 begot 2 and the 2’s had a 3 in 1-2 harmony. Alphabet too… easy as 1 2 3 in 4 parts back in 321 for a perfect 7 harmony. Short story by Phil Seawolf to provide some insight.

Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone 7 (Alpha to Omega)

12pt Math to the 9’s - Perfect 7

Circular Multidimensional Axis

Beautiful Harmony Bridging

Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity

Solves the Question of Prime Numbers


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