Bridging Science & Spirituality

Phil Seawolf / Philip Self

“12pt to the 9’s” Math - Perfect 7 Axis .142857

6.283183 Harmony vs Pi - .48 Time at Edge

June 24th 2024 / Original Formal Proof & Press Release Published


“12pt Math to the 9’s” Circular Math Groundbreaking Implications

“.142857 Constant” and “6.283183 Constant”

June 8th “6.283183 Vs. Pi” Groundbreaking PROOF

June 8th “Russell’s Paradox” SOLUTION & PROOF

June 22nd “Zeno’s Paradoxes and Thompson’s Lamp Paradox” SOLUTION & PROOF

June 24th “12pt to the 9’s Circular Math” PROOF & FORMULAS


“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.”

John 3:16