Phil Seawolf Show

WARNING: “This show content is intended for mature primates only and any humans or lesser hominid audiences without the ability to understand sarcasm or reason will likely become extremely frustrated.” - Phil Seawolf

2nd Corinthians Warning “2 Cor. 10:4-5”

4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” - Phil Seawolf

Important Disclaimer: Symptoms include… (14 sec audio only clip)

Special Requests

  • CLIPS - Available for Show Segments

  • LIMITED - Long Form (plus notes)


  • Short clips only. Social media content controls require their parent corporations to throttle thought expression and pressure approved narratives much like totalitarian egos of the past. In the Viking spirit we will head for the seas and find our freedom and opportunity. With a focus on short quality thinking that you can remember and apply, we hope the value exceeds expectations here at

  • NO, this show is about fun insightful thinking and reflecting on interesting questions in life. Member areas include specialized content like stories, pictures, and long form resources.

  • “Probably not, I would rather focus on building content here”

    Phil Seawolf

    You are welcome to make the request HERE.

Highlighted Proof UFT1 Graded >>> Perfect 7 / FUSION <<<

Unified Fields Theory 1 - UFT1 - Phil Seawolf - Philip Self - Original Art - Equilateral Triangles - Light and Color 1 B.2.jpeg
Phil Self Photography and Design - Online Phil Seawolf - Ritz-Carlton Grande Lakes - St Pete End of Day JPEG.jpg