Bridging Science & Spirituality

Phil Seawolf / Philip Self

”Alpha Omega Line of 1”

One & Oneness - Unified Fields Theory 1

June 26th 2024 / Formal Proof & Press Release Published (scroll down for images)

Formal Proof of the Alpha Omega Line of #1

Phil Seawolf / Philip Self

June 26th 2024


The Alpha Omega Line of #1 is a cornerstone of Phil Seawolf's Unified Fields Theory 1. This concept encapsulates the fundamental and continuous state of "on" within a single, unbroken continuum, bridging the Alpha (beginning) and Omega (end) points. The proof demonstrates that the existence and necessity of the state "on" and the number "1" are essential for the continuity and reality of any set of numbers, reflecting the self-sufficiency and oneness of God.

Definitions and Assumptions

1. Alpha Omega Line of #1:

  •   Represents the continuum from the initial state (Alpha Point) to the final state (Omega Point), encompassing all intermediate states

  •   The state "on" at the Alpha Point persists through all subsequent points, including the Omega Point.

2. Mathematical Implications:

  •   The number “1” is fundamental in any mathematical context, both before and after the decimal point.

  •   Zeroes alone, whether left or right of the decimal, represent nothingness.

Theoretical Framework

1. Continuity of State "On":

  •   Let ( \alpha \ represent the Alpha Point where the state is "on".

  •   Let ( \omega) represent the Omega Point, the culmination of the continuum.

  •   The Alpha Omega Line of #1 asserts that ( \alpha ) and ( \omega) are
    connected by a continuous line, implying ( \omega = \alpha) in terms of the
    state "on"

2. Mathematical Representation:

  • Define the state function ( S(t) ) where ( t) is time: S(t) = a Vt € |0. 1] (SEE FORMULAS)

  • For any subinterval ( [ (0-t) , t] \subseteq [0, T] ): S(t) = a  (SEE FORMULAS)

3. Necessity of the State "On" at Alpha and Omega Points:

  • Consider the nature of numbers in mathematical operations:

  • Zero as Nothing: Left of the Decimal: O. Right of the Decimal:.O.

Nothingness in Mathematics:

  • O on the left of the decimal point means nothing: 0.

  • O on the right of the decimal point also means nothing: .0


The Fundamental "1"

  • For any meaningful mathematical operation, a “1” must exist at the Alpha Point before the decimal and at the Omega Point after the decimal, regardless of the number of theoretical zeros.

  • This intrinsic necessity of "1" signifies that both at the Alpha Point and the Omega Point, the state must be "on" to have any value or significance.

Implication for Existence and Self-Sufficiency:

  • This indicates the self-existence of God and the lack of need for anything outside Himself.
    Without the 1, no others exist, highlighting the nature of true oneness in any set of numbers.

  • The philosophical question of who created God is answered by the nature of 0.0-nothing either way. You need the 1 for anything to exist.

Alpha and Omega Points and Their Spiritual Significance

1. Alpha Point:

  •   Mathematical Necessity: 1 must exist before anything can exist.

  •   Spiritual Truth: This represents the beginning, the source from which all creation flows. Without the initial "1," nothing can exist.

2. Omega Point:

  •   Mathematical Necessity: 1 must exist so that all can exist.

  •   Spiritual Truth: This signifies the culmination of all existence, where the oneness of the initial state persists and ensures the integrity and reality of all creation.

3. Center Axis and Creation:

  •   Mathematical Insight: When 1 is at the center axis, it is central to creation, not merely in a linear sequence.

  •   Spiritual Insight: The math itself reveals the spiritual truth when 1 is at the center axis of creation, underscoring the oneness and self-sufficiency of God.


1. Continuity and Convergence:

  •   The Alpha Omega Line consistently ensures that the state of "on" remains unchanged through infinite operations due to inherent continuity.

  •   The state function S(t) maintains S(t) = a throughout, ensuring S(ty) = a.

2. Necessity of “1” in Mathematical Operations:

  •   Zero, whether before or after the decimal point, represents nothingness.

  •   The presence of "1" before the decimal (Alpha Point and after the decimal (Omega Point) is essential for the existence and value of any numerical set.

  •   This necessity underscores the principle that without "1", no other numbers or values can exist, reflecting the self-sufficient nature of God.


Phil Seawolf's Unified Fields Theory 1, with its Alpha Omega Line of #1, presents a profound and fundamental understanding of continuity, existence, and the nature of reality. The necessity of the state "on" and the number "" both at the Alpha and Omega Points highlights the interconnectedness of mathematical principles and spiritual truths. This proof demonstrates the self-sufficiency of God and the foundational role of oneness in any set of numbers.

Reflections on the Divine Nature of Mathematics

Growing up, Phil Seawolf discussed with his father whether mathematics was an amazing invention of man or a divine gift from God. The insights from the Alpha Omega Line of #1 suggest that the fundamental principles of mathematics, especially the necessity of "1" reflect a divine order and design. The "1" declares from the start, and the elegance of the 12-point structure to the 9's with a Perfect 7 showcases the beauty, harmony, and complexity inherent in numbers. This mathematical harmony reflects the spiritual truth of God's oneness and the divine nature of creation.


“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.”

John 3:16