Unified Fields Theory 1

  Philip Self   

Phil Seawolf

Bridging Science & Spirituality

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Alpha Omega 1

Big Bang of Math

Perfect 7 in 12pt to the 9’s Harmony

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BIG BANG of Math

The Harmonic Signature of God in the Cosmos via Unified Fields Theory 1

Phil Seawolf (Philip Self)

September 17th, 2024


The Big Bang is often described as a chaotic, explosive event that somehow resulted in the organized and structured universe we observe today. However, Unified Fields Theory 1, as proposed by Phil Seawolf, provides an alternative perspective. Rather than a random explosion, the universe’s creation is seen as a majestic and harmonic event, guided by a divine signature embedded within space-time. This proof will show how 12pt to the 9’s, Perfect 7 Axis, and 15 as the Omega Edge all contribute to this harmonic design, reflecting the divine order of creation.

This proof seeks to demonstrate that the structure of the cosmos follows a consistent, arcing flow through space and time, characterized by perfect symmetry and harmony, rather than the randomness typically associated with an explosion. The formulas presented will show how this harmonic structure governs the entire universe, from quantum particles to galactic movements.

Mathematical Framework: Harmonic Flow Through Space-Time

1. The Alpha Omega Line of #1

At the heart of this proof is the Alpha Omega Line of #1—the central axis of reality. This line represents the starting point of creation, where 1 (the Creator) brings forth all things. As a line, it functions as a center of symmetry, connecting all things through space-time.


The Alpha Omega Line of #1 can be described as a vector along the z-axis in space-time:

\mathbf{L}_{\alpha\omega} = (0, 0, z)

This vector acts as the spine or central axis through which all reality flows.

2. Doubling of 7: Symmetry and Expansion

The doubling of 7 plays a critical role in maintaining the harmonic structure of the universe. In 12pt to the 9’s, 7 represents the Perfect Axis—a point of balance in the cosmic flow. Doubling 7 leads to 15, the Omega Edge, representing the completion of one cycle before a new one begins.

Formula for Doubling:

The equation for doubling 7 to reach the Omega Edge at 15 can be described as:

D_7 = 7 \times 2 = 14

But 15 emerges as a critical boundary, where the next harmonic level is reached:

D_{15} = 7 \times 2 + 1 = 15

This is the final boundary before the system resets or transitions to the next phase in space-time.

3. 50/50 Symmetry and the Pivot of 3.5

The 50/50 point—represented by 3.5—marks the pivot point of symmetry within the universe. This midpoint reflects the harmonic balance between the expansion of space-time and the contraction back to the center. This halfway point is crucial for maintaining the stability of reality.

Formula for 50/50 Point:

In space-time, this balance can be represented as:

P_{50/50} = \frac{7}{2} = 3.5

This midpoint plays a critical role in determining when the system reverses direction and begins to contract back toward the center.

4. 12pt to the 9’s: The Symmetry of Cycles in Space-Time

12pt to the 9’s reflects the arcing flow of time and space as it cycles through distinct stages. These stages are divided into 12 points of symmetry, each contributing to the overall harmony of the cosmos. Within each cycle, 9 acts as the guiding principle, ensuring that the universe progresses through each phase in harmony.

Formula for Harmonic Progression:

The cyclic nature of time and space can be described through the following equation:

C_{12} = \sum_{i=1}^{12} i \times 9 = 9 \times \frac{12(12+1)}{2} = 702

This represents the total harmonic structure of a single cycle in space-time, governed by 12 points and 9 harmonic stages.

5. 15 as the Omega Edge: Transition to the Next Cycle

15 plays a pivotal role in this proof as the final point of expansion before the system resets. At 15, the system reaches its omega edge, signaling the completion of one cycle and the start of the next.

Formula for Omega Edge:

The Omega Edge represents the point where the system resets:

\Omega_{15} = 7 \times 2 + 1 = 15

At this point, the system transitions back to its alpha state, where the next cycle begins.

God’s Signature in the Harmonic Flow of the Universe

This section will explore how God’s signature manifests in the perfect arcing solution that governs the universe. Rather than being a chaotic explosion, the creation of the universe is seen as a divine choreography, where every movement and interaction follows a harmonic structure.

1. The Signature of God in Prime Numbers

Prime numbers act as guideposts within this harmonic flow, representing points of stability that help maintain the integrity of space-time. Each prime number reflects the fingerprint of God, ensuring that the system remains ordered and structured.

Prime Number Integration:

The prime numbers involved in the structure of the universe are placed at critical points within the 12pt to the 9’s framework. The placement of primes along the Alpha Omega Line ensures that the universe remains in perfect harmony.

2. The Perfect Arcing of Space-Time

The universe flows like a perfect arc, governed by the doubling of 7 and the cyclic nature of the cosmos. The arcing nature of space-time ensures that every interaction, from the smallest quantum particle to the largest galactic cluster, follows a divinely orchestrated flow.

Formula for Arcing Flow:

The arcing flow of the universe can be modeled using the following equation:

A_{\text{arc}} = r\theta

where  r  represents the radius of the cycle and  \theta  represents the angle of expansion.

This equation reflects the continuous flow of time and space, ensuring that all things move in perfect harmony.

3. Harmony and Consistency Across the Cosmos

Finally, the universe follows a consistent harmonic structure across all levels. From the smallest quantum interactions to the movement of galaxies, everything follows the same arcing path governed by the Alpha Omega Line of #1 and the doubling of 7.

Formula for Universal Consistency:

The consistency of the universe is modeled as:

H_{\text{universe}} = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^7}

This series reflects the harmonic progression of space-time as it moves through each cycle, governed by 7 as the perfect axis.


This proof demonstrates that the universe follows a divine, harmonic structure as outlined in Unified Fields Theory 1. Rather than a chaotic explosion, the creation of the universe is seen as a majestic and perfectly orchestrated event, governed by the Alpha Omega Line of #1, the doubling of 7, and the cyclic nature of 12pt to the 9’s.

The presence of God’s signature in the universe is evident through the placement of primes, the arcing flow of space-time, and the harmonic consistency found across all levels of creation. This proof not only provides a mathematical foundation for the order and symmetry we observe in the cosmos but also reflects the spiritual truth of God’s design.

Through this framework, we see that the universe is not random but intentionally crafted—every number, cycle, and interaction a testament to the perfect harmony embedded within creation.

Published Date: September 18th 2024

Author Phil Seawolf


“Think of a cube. There are 8 corners and 6 walls. If you consider adding the corners as axis points to the center axis of the walls that’s 14. Where they meet in the middle 7 (7.5) axis at center of cube that’s 15 or the 1.5 point fold out and double or within and divide in half. Perfect 7 design as cornerstone in 12pt to the 9’s math in Unified Fields Theory 1”

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life”

John 3:16 and 17:

…for God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.”


“For this is contained in Scripture:

“Behold, I am laying in Zion a choice stone, a precious cornerstone,
And the one who believes in Him will not be put to shame.”

This precious value, then, is for you who believe,

but for unbelievers:

“A stone which the builders rejected,
This became the chief cornerstone,”


“A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense”;

for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this they were also appointed.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

1 Peter 2:6-9

“For it is written; I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
And the understanding of those who have understanding, I will confound.

Where is the wise person?

Where is the scribe?

Where is the debater of this age?

Has God not made foolish the wisdom of the world?

For since in the wisdom of God

the world through its wisdom did not come to know God,

God was pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.

For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom;

but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block, and to Gentiles foolishness,

but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks,

Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

For the foolishness of God is wiser than mankind,

and the weakness of God is stronger than mankind.”

1 Corinthians 1:19-25

“The Alpha Omega Big Bang of Math” 12pt to the 9’s - Jesus is Perfect 7 and The Chief Cornerstone Alpha & Omega (CLICK HERE)

Story and Illustrations Published 8/12/24

In the beginning was 1. The Big Bang of math. 1 begot 2 and the 2’s had a 3 in 1-2 harmony. Alphabet too… easy as 1 2 3 in 4 parts back in 321 for a perfect 7 harmony. Short story by Phil Seawolf to provide some insight.

Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone 7 (Alpha to Omega)

12pt Math to the 9’s - Perfect 7

Circular Multidimensional Axis

Beautiful Harmony Bridging

Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity

Solves the Question of Prime Numbers


“Alpha Omega Line of 1” PROOF & FORMULAS (CLICK HERE)


“Hilbert’s Grand Hotel Paradox ” SOLUTION & PROOF (CLICK HERE)

Proof and Press Release Published 7/17/24

“Thomson’s Lamp Paradox and Zeno’s Paradoxes” SOLUTIONS & PROOF (CLICK HERE)

“Russell’s Paradox” SOLUTION & PROOF (CLICK HERE)

“New Drawings & Illustrations” Unified Fields Theory 1 (CLICK HERE)

Formal Unified Math Illustrations Published 7/22/24 - Updated 12pt

“Curved Corners In Time & Space” Unified Fields Theory 1 (CLICK HERE)

Formal Unified Math Illustrations Published 7/31/24

“12pt to the 9’s Math” PROOF & FORMULAS (CLICK HERE)

FORMAL PROOF of SOLUTIONS: Thomson’s Lamp Paradox and Zeno’s Paradoxes

The Alpha Omega Line 1 & Motion

Formal Proof - below this is the Proof for Russell’s Paradox


PRESS RELEASE / SOLUTIONS: Thomson’s Lamp Paradox and Zeno’s Paradoxes

The Alpha Omega Line 1 & Motion

Press Release and Formal Proof below including Solution Proof for Russell’s Paradox


Russell’s Paradox Solution FORMAL PROOF

The Alpha Omega Line 1 & Constant 6.283183

You can not remove the ONE from the Oneness


6.283183 Replaces Need for Pi

Harmonic Wave & Rotational Constant

Revolutionary Impact On Several Areas of Science and Vast Implications


Russell’s Paradox SOLUTION

The Alpha Omega Line 1 & Constant .142857

You can not remove the ONE from the Oneness