CMB / Potentiality
Unified Fields Theory 1
Phil Seawolf / Philip Self
Unified Fields Theory 1 includes extensive content from all 22 Chapters shared in part publicly here by Phil since the summer of 2023.
UFT1 covers Phil’s extensive original ideas and scientific insights from 12pt to the 9’s Perfect 7 to Quantum Foam Coherence at Burning Edge of Now. 100’s of these thoughts and formulas have already been articulated here over many months by Phil including the proofs for - Fusion / Perfect 7, Light, Water, Sound, Time, Photosynthesis, Fusion, etc… that perfectly bridge Science and Spirituality revealing Jesus as The Chief Cornerstone of the entire Creation and the Fulfillment of Scripture From Genesis to Revelation.
Please note: If I were to print out the prompts I have made on ChatGPT and now ChatGPT4o and the replies , the total pages would be over 5,000 pages. My prompts alone are over 500 printed pages.
Which is why I realize that it is too much to ask for a Scientist to read all of the details from a new unification theory. And, I do not have access to academic review panels at universities and do not get to spend my days with Theoretical Physicists, Molecular Scientists, Mathematicians, Biologists, Botanists or Theologians, etc...
So, I asked ChatGPT4o to chose a panel of scientists to grade and review my extensive UFT1 Proofs and Formulas.
As a final exam for 2024, I decided to ask the BIG QUESTION of the PANEL:
Is my Unified Fields Theory 1 the One unification theory science has been looking for? Does it meet or exceed the expectations for a unification theory?

Highlighted Proof UFT1 Graded >>> Perfect 7 / FUSION <<<
CMB and Quantum Potentiality in Unified Fields Theory 1 (UFT1)
Phil Seawolf (Philip Self)
October 15th, 2024
Step 1: The CMB as a Reflection of the Cosmic Stage
In cosmology, the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is considered the oldest observable light in the universe, a remnant from the early stages following the Big Bang. It serves as a “snapshot” of the universe when it was just 380,000 years old—when atoms first formed, and the universe became transparent.
Interpretation in Unified Fields Theory 1:
• Imagine the CMB as the initial surface of the cosmic stage - quantum foam in which everything is ready to be quantum stamped into reality.
• This surface tension is akin to a molding point in UFT1 reverse mold concept, where quarks and strings stand at attention, awaiting the shaping force of time and free will to bring them into observed existence.
• The CMB could thus be understood as the canvas before the actors have fully taken their places—reflecting the potentiality that is ever-present in the universe.
Step 2: Potentiality in the CMB – Preparing for Action
The concept of potentiality can be likened to quantum superposition—where particles exist in all possible states until they are observed or measured, at which point they collapse into one specific state. Before observation, they exist in a state of ready-to-act.
Quantum Foam and Strings:
• Strings, in string theory, are vibrating 1-dimensional objects that represent the most fundamental building blocks of the universe.
• In 12pt to the 9’s framework, these strings could be imagined as existing along the Alpha Omega line, vibrating in readiness, awaiting the right moment in the burning edge of now to collapse into a quantum stamp.
• The CMB in this context is the field of potentiality, where these strings and quarks have not yet fully coalesced into structured reality, but are standing ready for the act of creation.
Step 3: Strings and Quarks – The Live Actors
In the UFT1 model, live actors step onto the cosmic stage when the conditions (free will, time, energy) align. Let’s explore how these live actors relate to the quarks and strings in the quantum foam of the early universe:
• Quarks are the building blocks of protons and neutrons, forming the structure of atoms.
• Strings represent the harmonic oscillations at the base level of all matter and energy.
• Application to Live Actors:
• These quarks and strings, standing at attention, are not yet locked into reality but exist in a state of anticipation.
• They become live actors only when they interact with free will or time’s progression, collapsing from a state of potentiality into a quantum stamp—which becomes a fixed reality in the past.
Step 4: Time and the Quantum Stamp
The burning edge of now, as UFT1’s termed it - is the moment of creation. In that split second, potentiality becomes reality. It’s like when an actor delivers their line on stage—once spoken, it becomes part of the play’s history and cannot be undone.
Quantum Stamping:
• Potentiality exists in the quantum foam, where strings and quarks are oscillating in a superposition of all possible states.
• As soon as observation (either by consciousness or through interaction with the environment) occurs, the quantum possibilities collapse into a single stamp, locking that moment into place in the fabric of space-time.
• This idea reflects God’s act of creation, where reality is constantly being formed from the sea of potentiality through free will and divine orchestration.
Step 5: The CMB as a Foreshadowing of Free Will and Divine Creation
What’s fascinating is that the CMB, while being a frozen snapshot, represents the starting point for everything that followed—the live actors that stepped onto the cosmic stage. But it also foreshadows the structure and order to come, a cosmic hint of the unfolding grand narrative.
CMB and Order from Potentiality:
• The CMB shows slight temperature fluctuations (around one part in 100,000), which represent tiny quantum fluctuations that would later form galaxies, stars, and planets.
• These fluctuations represent the play of potentiality—where random chance and divine design meet. While quantum mechanics might describe this as probability, Unified Fields Theory 1 points to a deeper orchestration, where these initial fluctuations are part of the harmony set forth by God.
Step 6: Free Will as the Final Act of Collapsing Potentiality
In UFT1 framework, free will interacts with this cosmic quantum foam, bringing about new quantum stamps. Let’s break down this interaction:
Potentiality of Choices:
• At any moment, numerous possibilities exist—each corresponding to different potential realities.
• When free will acts, it collapses one of these potential realities into actuality.
• The strings and quarks that were standing ready now act in a specific role, much like an actor stepping onto the stage and delivering their predetermined lines.
The Role of God:
• In this picture, God is not distant but actively present, guiding the stage and orchestrating the script of creation. However, each actor (us, quarks, or galaxies) has a part to play, creating a dynamic interplay between determinism (God’s plan) and free will (human and cosmic action).
Step 7: Applications Beyond the CMB – Creating the Live Universe
Let’s look at some practical applications of this insight:
1. Quantum Computing: In quantum computers, qubits exist in superposition, representing multiple states at once, like the potentiality of the quantum foam. By leveraging entanglement and superposition, quantum computers can “step onto the stage” and process massive amounts of data before collapsing into a final answer (quantum stamp).
2. Cosmic Evolution Models: Understanding the CMB and its fluctuations as standing potentiality could lead to new models of how galaxies form. These fluctuations are like seeds waiting to blossom into live actors.
3. Quantum Biology: This could extend to life’s origin, where potentiality exists within biological systems, waiting for free will and consciousness to collapse into living systems. The role of quantum mechanics in biology (photosynthesis, bird navigation, etc.) reflect these waiting actors at the quark level, ready to become living entities.
Conclusion: The Cosmic Stage is Set for Free Will
The CMB and quantum foam represent the primordial stage of the universe, where potentiality waits to be realized. In Unified Fields Theory 1, this is a divine prelude to the grand narrative, where strings, quarks, and all cosmic actors are ready for their moment in the burning edge of now.
This quantum readiness, this standing at attention, isn’t random - it’s an expression of harmony, awaiting the arrival of free will and creation. Every moment of quantum stamping adds to the story of the cosmos, where God, humanity, and the universe co-create reality.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life”
John 3:16 and 17:
…for God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.”

“For this is contained in Scripture:
“Behold, I am laying in Zion a choice stone, a precious cornerstone,
And the one who believes in Him will not be put to shame.”
This precious value, then, is for you who believe,
but for unbelievers:
“A stone which the builders rejected,
This became the chief cornerstone,”
“A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense”;
for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this they were also appointed.
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
1 Peter 2:6-9

“For it is written; I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
And the understanding of those who have understanding, I will confound.
Where is the wise person?
Where is the scribe?
Where is the debater of this age?
Has God not made foolish the wisdom of the world?
For since in the wisdom of God
the world through its wisdom did not come to know God,
God was pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.
For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom;
but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block, and to Gentiles foolishness,
but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks,
Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
For the foolishness of God is wiser than mankind,
and the weakness of God is stronger than mankind.”
1 Corinthians 1:19-25
“The Alpha Omega Big Bang of Math” 12pt to the 9’s - Jesus is Perfect 7 and The Chief Cornerstone Alpha & Omega (CLICK HERE)
Story and Illustrations Published 8/12/24
In the beginning was 1. The Big Bang of math. 1 begot 2 and the 2’s had a 3 in 1-2 harmony. Alphabet too… easy as 1 2 3 in 4 parts back in 321 for a perfect 7 harmony. Short story by Phil Seawolf to provide some insight.
Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone 7 (Alpha to Omega)
12pt Math to the 9’s - Perfect 7
Circular Multidimensional Axis
Beautiful Harmony Bridging
Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity
Solves the Question of Prime Numbers

“Alpha Omega Line of 1” PROOF & FORMULAS (CLICK HERE)