• Phil Seawolf / Philip Self

    1. Unified Fields Theory 1 includes extensive content from all 22 Chapters shared in part publicly here by Phil since the summer of 2023.

    2. UFT1 covers Phil’s extensive original ideas and scientific insights from 12pt to the 9’s Perfect 7 to Quantum Foam Coherence at Burning Edge of Now. 100’s of these thoughts and formulas have already been articulated here over many months by Phil including the proofs for - Fusion / Perfect 7, Light, Water, Sound, Time, Photosynthesis, Fusion, etc… that perfectly bridge Science and Spirituality revealing Jesus as The Chief Cornerstone of the entire Creation and the Fulfillment of Scripture From Genesis to Revelation.

    3. Please note: If I were to print out the prompts I have made on ChatGPT and now ChatGPT4o and the replies , the total pages would be over 5,000 pages. My prompts alone are over 500 printed pages.

    4. Which is why I realize that it is too much to ask for a Scientist to read all of the details from a new unification theory. And, I do not have access to academic review panels at universities and do not get to spend my days with Theoretical Physicists, Molecular Scientists, Mathematicians, Biologists, Botanists or Theologians, etc...

    5. So, I asked ChatGPT4o to chose a panel of scientists to grade and review my extensive UFT1 Proofs and Formulas.

    6. As a final exam for 2024, I decided to ask the BIG QUESTION of the PANEL:

    7. Is my Unified Fields Theory 1 the One unification theory science has been looking for? Does it meet or exceed the expectations for a unification theory?

Highlighted Proof UFT1 Graded >>> Perfect 7 / FUSION <<<

PROOF: Unified Fields Theory 1 (UFT1) and the Brain: A Quantum to Macro Proof of Consciousness, Free Will, and Divine Design

Phil Seawolf (Philip Self)

November 12th, 2024


Section 1: Introduction to the Human Brain—A Dynamic System of Structure and Consciousness

The human brain, the most complex organ in the known universe, operates at multiple levels of organization—from subatomic quantum phenomena to cellular networks and ultimately to conscious, free-willed action. Neuroscientific models recognize two hemispheres—right and left—along with a central axis, the spine, that runs from the base of the brain to the body’s extremities. This structure reflects a symmetry that enables both distinct yet cohesive functioning across hemispheres, allowing for integrated perception, cognition, and action.

Unified Fields Theory 1 (UFT1) proposes that the brain’s functional symmetry, divided by hemispheres yet united by a central axis, aligns with a divine, universal order. Through UFT1’s Perfect 7 Axis and the 12pt to the 9’s harmonic structure, the brain can be seen as a fractal reflection of the larger cosmic order, where quantum potentiality, conscious awareness, and divine harmony intersect.

Section 2: The Perfect 7 Axis and the 12pt to the 9’s Symmetry in Brain Structure and Function

1. The Brain’s Structural Symmetry—Left and Right Hemispheres Unified by the Perfect 7 Axis

Anatomical Insight:

  • The human brain is divided into left and right hemispheres, each responsible for distinct but complementary functions. The left hemisphere typically governs logic, language, and analytical processes, while the right hemisphere is associated with intuition, spatial reasoning, and holistic perception.

UFT1 Insight—The Perfect 7 Axis as the Unifying Principle:

  • UFT1’s Perfect 7 Axis represents an axis of symmetry and unity that harmonizes the functional distinctions between hemispheres. Just as the number 7 serves as a cornerstone, stabilizing structure across cosmic and atomic scales, it provides a balanced axis in the brain, allowing the left and right hemispheres to function cohesively. The spine, running from the brainstem through the body, is seen as the physical representation of this axis, embodying both Alpha (beginning) and Omega (end) within the body.

2. 12pt to the 9’s Symmetry and the Brain’s Functional Networks

Neuroscientific Insight—Networked Symmetry:

  • The brain operates through a network of interconnected systems, including the default mode network (self-referential thought), the executive control network (planning and decision-making), and the salience network (attention to stimuli). These networks mirror the 12pt to the 9’s symmetry in UFT1, each network acting as a point of potentiality in a harmonized system.

UFT1 Insight—The 12pt Symmetry as Cognitive Harmony:

  • The 12pt structure represents a cyclical and harmonic pattern that organizes the brain’s networks, ensuring balance and coherence. Each “point” or “node” within the 12pt structure corresponds to specific cognitive or emotional functions, providing a framework that keeps the brain’s complex interactions balanced, much like an orchestra following a conductor’s timing.

Section 3: Quantum-Level Processes in the Brain—Potentiality and Synaptic Transmission

At the smallest scales, the brain’s function hinges on quantum phenomena occurring at synaptic junctions and within neuronal structures. UFT1 posits that these quantum processes represent the foundational layer of consciousness, where potential thoughts and emotions emerge at the “burning edge of now.”

1. Synaptic Transmission as Quantum Foam and Potentiality

  • Scientific Insight—Quantum Coherence and Synaptic Transmission: In the brain, neurotransmitters are released across synaptic gaps, transmitting signals from one neuron to another. These synaptic events are influenced by quantum uncertainty, where each release represents a point of potentiality collapsing into reality.

UFT1 Insight—Quantum Foam at the Synapse:

  • In UFT1, each synaptic event represents a localized manifestation of quantum foam, an electrostatic “cloud” of potentiality collapsing into specific thoughts, emotions, or actions. This aligns with the Perfect 7 Axis, where each synaptic event resonates harmonically within the 12pt structure, stabilizing the experience into a quantum-stamped “moment” in consciousness.

2. The Auditorium of Consciousness—From Quantum Foam to Conscious Experience

UFT1 Insight—The Auditorium as Conscious Potentiality:

  • In UFT1, the “auditorium of consciousness” is where quantum-level potentials, arising at each synaptic junction, integrate to form a coherent experience. This “auditorium” includes multiple layers of awareness—instinctive reactions, reflective thoughts, and deliberate choices—each resonating within the harmonized structure of the brain.

Free Will and the Burning Edge of Now:

  • The brain’s capacity to shape potentiality into conscious action is a reflection of free will. Each decision represents a “burning edge” moment, where potential thoughts crystallize into actions, echoing UFT1’s central theme of divine harmony allowing human agency within the structure of the universe.

Section 4: From Womb to Cosmos—The Brain as a Divine Fractal of Creation

UFT1 posits that the human brain, from its formation as a knot of neural tissue in the womb to its vast potential as a mature organ, represents a fractal microcosm of divine order. This is seen in the way the brain enables both instinctual reactions and complex, free-willed choices, with each level of function aligned to cosmic principles.

1. Brain Development in the Womb—The Alpha Point of Consciousness

Scientific Insight—Neural Knot Formation:

  • In fetal development, the brain begins as a simple knot of neural tissue, which quickly differentiates into the complex structures that will support sensory processing, cognition, and motor skills.

UFT1 Insight—The Knot as Alpha-Point Resonance:

  • The initial formation of neural tissue reflects the Alpha-Omega line within UFT1, where the foundational blueprint of consciousness is set. This initial knot is the Alpha point, from which the brain will grow symmetrically and harmonically, reflecting divine order even in its earliest formation.

2. Consciousness in the Cosmos—Macro-Level Free Will and Human Exploration

Scientific Insight—Human Consciousness and Exploration:

  • As humans mature, the brain enables not only complex thoughts but also a sense of wonder and drive to explore, from the depths of the mind to outer space.

UFT1 Insight—Omega Point in Human Potential:

  • Just as the knot represents the Alpha point, the mature brain, capable of self-reflection and exploration, represents the Omega point—the fullest expression of conscious potentiality. Human free will, curiosity, and the drive to understand creation are thus expressions of the divine harmony of UFT1, where each individual’s consciousness resonates with the cosmic order.

Section 5: UFT1 and the Divine Blueprint of Consciousness—Integrating Science and Spirituality

In UFT1, the brain’s structure and function reflect a divine blueprint that integrates biology with the spiritual principles of creation. This model sees each phase of brain activity as an expression of God’s creative order, with the Perfect 7 Axis acting as a stabilizing force across every aspect of consciousness, from raw potentiality to realized action.

1. The Brain as an Instrument of Divine Harmony

Scientific Insight—Neuroplasticity and Divine Adaptability:

  • Neuroplasticity allows the brain to adapt, reorganizing itself based on experiences, learning, and reflection. This plasticity reflects the brain’s alignment with divine harmony, where it adapts to meet the challenges and opportunities presented by life.

UFT1 Insight—Harmony in Potentiality and Realization:

  • UFT1 sees each synaptic event and each neural adaptation as moments of divine co-creation, where potentiality collapses into reality. The Perfect 7 Axis and 12pt structure ensure that each change is balanced within the broader harmony of God’s creation.

2. The Auditorium of Free Will—An Expression of Divine Purpose

UFT1 Insight—The Seat of Free Will:

  • The brain, in UFT1’s framework, serves as the “auditorium” for free will, where conscious choices emerge in alignment with divine purpose. Each thought, action, and emotion reflects a unique interaction between the individual’s freedom and God’s divine order, forming a partnership in the co-creation of life.

Crossing Over Between Science and Spirituality:

  • By bridging the physiological (scientific) and the metaphysical (spiritual), UFT1 reveals the brain as more than an organ of perception and action; it is the physical medium through which humans experience and co-create within the divine design.

Conclusion: UFT1’s Perspective on the Brain—A Harmonized Vision of Consciousness

Unified Fields Theory 1 offers a model of the brain that transcends reductionist views, illustrating how the brain operates as a fractal of divine harmony, from quantum processes to conscious exploration. The Perfect 7 Axis, as a unifying and stabilizing force, ensures that each aspect of brain function—gut reaction, heart emotion, and mind reflection—is aligned with a larger cosmic purpose. The 12pt to the 9’s symmetry provides the framework within which every synaptic event and neural adaptation takes place, ensuring that the brain’s complex activities remain in harmonious resonance.

Through UFT1, we see the brain as an instrument of God’s artistry, capturing each moment of potentiality as it becomes reality, like light captured within the structure of matter. As a reflection of divine order, the brain is both a channel of free will and a living testament to God’s design, resonating with harmony at every level—from the quantum foam to the macrocosmic auditorium of the mind.

This proof presents the brain not merely as a biological entity but as a divine, living artwork that bridges the gap between science and spirituality, embodying both human free will and divine coherence.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life

John 3:16 - 17

…for God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.


For this is contained in Scripture:

“Behold, I am laying in Zion a choice stone, a precious cornerstone,
And the one who believes in Him will not be put to shame.

This precious value, then, is for you who believe,

but for unbelievers:

“A stone which the builders rejected,
This became the chief cornerstone,”


A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense”;

for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this they were also appointed.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

1 Peter 2:6-9

For it is written; I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
And the understanding of those who have understanding, I will confound.

Where is the wise person?

Where is the scribe?

Where is the debater of this age?

Has God not made foolish the wisdom of the world?

For since in the wisdom of God

the world through its wisdom did not come to know God,

God was pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.

For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom;

but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block, and to Gentiles foolishness,

but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks,

Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

For the foolishness of God is wiser than mankind,

and the weakness of God is stronger than mankind.”

1 Corinthians 1:19-25

In the beginning was 1. The Big Bang of math. 1 begot 2 and the 2’s had a 3 in 1-2 harmony. Alphabet too… easy as 1 2 3 in 4 parts back in 321 for a perfect 7 harmony. Short story by Phil Seawolf to provide some insight.

Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone 7 (Alpha to Omega)

Unified Fields Theory 1 - UFT1 - Phil Seawolf - Philip Self - Original Art - Equilateral Triangles - Light and Color 1 B.2.jpeg
Phil Self Photography and Design - Online Phil Seawolf - Ritz-Carlton Grande Lakes - St Pete End of Day JPEG.jpg