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The Alpha Omega

12pt to the 9’s Big Bang of Math

by Phil Seawolf (Philip Self)


12pt to the 9’s Beauty and Harmony of design inherent in Creation of Math and Matter.

Consider me about to wrap this Mobius ribbon of our existence into a bow for you.

Phil Seawolf


● I smartened up and used my publishing background to ensure that Jesus is the Cornerstone of my Unified Fields Theory 1 and no one tries to take this wisdom like something to take without confessing that Jesus is King. It is the King of King’s treasure in the Alpha Omega and Oneness. Like any Science - it’s simply learning and insight. I am a simple man with a simple Faith in a profound Savior in Jesus Christ the Messiah and great hope for us all. John 13:34-35

Not my idea. But, it’s the best one in the cosmos! What are you looking for?

I have an open hand. Your stomach will never be the same if you miss God’s love through Jesus as His Son and the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant that reaches out to the four corners of the earth and the families we all descended from. The whole thing unravels if Jesus is not God and One with the Father and The Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity and Godhead of our creation and our very hearts, minds and souls. He is the creator and maker of all that it is. He is One with the Father and over all: the Alpha and the Omega. By publishing a novel idea of a Grand TOE Theory or Unified String Theory as story and illustration I protect the copyright of my Unified Fields Theory 1 and unique novel art of 12pt to the 9’s and the flip side harmony 1-49/50 1-99 as set with Omega 1 as final loop 100 manifold infinite edge and “on state” from Paradox solutions I provided. I have never seen anything like it. It makes sense of so many questions and understanding from the nature of the 3 in 1 and triangulation in space and the reason for Primes as fixed points in my 3 crosses with 4 axis each. They are weaving ones and two patterns from center base. See the 3 Illustrations I published on my site August 12, 2024. The written part I uploaded today August 13, 2024. So, I realize the 12pt math to the nines illustrations is about to take a big leap.

● This is why I took a month to work out these details. I knew I would need to be ready to go after this launched and I wrote to publishing outlets. This math was a lot more work and reasoning than I anticipated only to end up back at such a simple center 1 relationship. It was right in front of me I just had not figured it out yet: The Point.

● There its a simple toy. It’s a wood block triangle with golf tees standing upright in holes. There are 15 holes and only 14 tees in a triangle in a formation 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 and the last one spot is blank at top and the idea is to jump each one in such a way that you can leave one. It took me a while many years ago (over 20), but I figured out a solution so you can always leave one in the center spot at bottom from a blank spot in the Omega point at the top. It took a lot of learning the wrong way to make it work and countless potential solutions like a maze to even get close to the solution and the # of moves pushed my memory but I finally figure it out and to this day I remember how to always leave one single peg - the goal. The wild part is how that fits with what the Big Bang of Math into 12pt to the 9’s as a play of the 1’s and the 2’s. I do feel a sense of destiny in that reasoning now proving to be foundational to math and it’s big bang from the Center 1. I’ll explain more later (it’s a triangle that when rotated 3 more times at 120 ends up back at 4)

● Make no mistake though. This wrestling with math was much worse. It started with my quantum 3D pin model in the creative aspects of live burning edge within the multi-dimensional stamp (seen and unseen matter) of reverse mold and explains gravity. All highly speculative Theoretical Physics concepts of mine but worth pursuing because they had resonance with insights into certain atomic and quantum components of existence. The change came months ago when I I kept seeing math as a line and realizing it was not working in 3D space... 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 in order like they were in line. God simply lead me in the direction of realizing numbers needed to be spatially rated in 3D space because of my arts experience the last 20 years from Animation to Fine Art and knowing various styles of Artists and how they use mediums, textures, and even paint strokes unique to their style etc... I needed to rotate math around the art to understand it’s play of positive and negative space within a reverse mold before the art within could be revealed and the veil or covering removed.

● I believe life with God is filled with discovery and uncovering of insight and wisdom. It is indeed sweet, and much better than gold in terms of eternal value but the pressing needs of today keep us from seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. This is about you and God in relationship through Jesus. There is no pope or intercessor only a witness of the Word of God and those who believe in Him

● I published my Big Bang of Math to 12pt to the 9’s as both short story and a short book of illustrations. I cant’s wait to get to Chapter Two and Free Will and Determinism where things get really personal for each human being.

● But, this is a big one: or The Big ONE I should say:

● the Big Bang of math, the Alpha Omega.

● Reminder from Proof about Alpha Omega Line:

● “Growing up, Phil Seawolf discussed with his father whether mathematics was an amazing invention of man or a divine gift from God. The insights from the Alpha Omega Line of #1 suggest that the fundamental principles of mathematics, especially the necessity of "1" reflect a divine order and design. The "1" declares from the start, and the elegance of the 12-point structure to the 9's with a Perfect 7 showcases the beauty, harmony, and complexity inherent in numbers. This mathematical harmony reflects the spiritual truth of God's oneness and the divine nature of creation.”

● My father gave me a mind to question and reason and my mother gave me a heart to love and grow in kindness and service as well. But I would not have anything of this without Jesus. Humbly, I am not worthy. This is not prophesy, you have the Scriptures. This is not adding any actual words from God. I did not receive a tablet or written message or anything like those types of false prophets. I have never heard an actual voice of God.

● I do have Faith though. And if confidence in the sense of assurance of the things hoped for and the conviction of the things not seen is important, then I have that in abundance and overflowing states of existence, so I will freely share the love of God that I have found in Jesus Christ to the best of my ability. So, that you also might see or hear from your heart what God is saying to you through Jesus Christ. God is love.

● So, let’s start with the real Big Bang. Not about chemicals or anything like that yet. The idea of being and existence: Alpha Point # 1

______________________________CHAPTER 1 - Alpha Omega Point # 1

Alpha Point # 1:

● The being of 1 must exist before anything else can exist.

● Zero point / 0. / Means nothing as does point zero / .0 /

● The self existence of One is necessary and obvious. The old question of who created God is seen in the beginning with Big Bang of 1 - The Alpha Omega point of 1

● Theplayofthe1andthe2’screate9andthentake2and1backtomake it wrap at 12 (twelve the 1 and the 2 back together after what? A 4 quarter turn back to 1. The Mobius turn and half turn roll at the intersections

● 1and2

● What is the meaning of 2?

● Why the square of two is so challenging and the One multiplied by One is still One.

● In order for one to be truly 1 in any understandable way it has to be distinct in form and function from the number Two: 2.

● As you will see alter. I can’t help seeing a swan’s neck every time I see two now. Half of love - a heart. Two two’s coming together. I’lll explain.

● 2 creates a manifold an fluid path through Time and Space.

● Like breathing in and out.

● The 1 and the 2’s are God and the Holy Spirit working together.

● 1 is the center axis and the line than connects all that exists to the

Omega edge of 1 at the infinite edge of the whole of the 1.

● The Alpha and the Omega.

● God is One.

● The idea of two is the field of 1 radiating in an even and fluid form to the edge of the Omega whole.

● The line of 1 is the actual edge of the shapes in our creation is a way to

understand the unique nature of 1. It is the edge of a circle and the lines of the sides of a triangle doubled to square. The 7 emerges.

● But 1st, let’s stay on the very critical initial play of the 1 and the 2’s rotating through time and space. Think spheres rolling out or radiating out at the front line edge of 1 reaching out into infinite space. At the point of contact of the sphere with any point of any dimensional reference in size would create a triangulation of the 1 line. The triangle is the first shape with corners. Try finding a corner ion a cloud is like trying to find a corner in 2’s. Without the 1 at the center, they have now structure and would spin out from center. The 1 and the 2’s is 3. The point between them. 1.2 and 2.1 became 1 2 and 3. They hit 5 at the 50/50 mark and start over.

● That’s the bow of the Mobius ribbon

● This is the foundational Big Bang from the center of 1. I kept thinking of pressure from within One going out in every direction simultaneously and then manifolding back within itself at the center axis of 1 with 2. This is the swirl and positive negative balance of various states of fields and forms and functions in life.

● It’s not just. A 2D burst out from 1, although that works easily. This one is bursting out and then rotating and turning in a watch like fashion that we all depend on in the order of the Universe.

● Now think about 1 becoming 2

● And how quickly that got to 12

● In3and4partharmonywith5and7.

● 7 is at every corner and the Chief Cornerstone

● 12 gets us back to One. Remember my clock through space time? When you get back to the 12 position it’s now 13 and continues. (The reverse back of 3 and 1) The deflection of 12 to 13 is the time traveled through along the Axis of time. Past Present Future line of 1. It is .04 deflection. .04 times the speed of light at 186,000 miler per hour is 744 miles light would travel per second. About the timing of radiating reflected light on water” .04 seconds

● OK

● Let’s look at the Center of 1

● The Alpha point

● 1 at the base creating 2. It’s 1 on each side of center axis 1. With a total of 3. The 3 is the first manifold Omega point.

● The3in1

● It created

● 1.2

● 1.3

● 1.4

● 1.5

● 5 manifolds back into its base 1 and becomes the 50/50 point on the way to the omega loop at 1 after 9. 1 created 8 other characters numbers. The 1 through 9 and doubled (1 and the 2’s) 11-99 and looped again at 100. When the final play of 1 and 2 is done for the bow on the Mobius ribbon. Yougettwosetsof3buteachsetof3isa1andasetoftwo. The 3 in one back into itself at 9 and quartered at 12 (through time and space - think dimensionally)

● 1 is the Alpha and Omega.

● 1 is in not linear in the sense it is waiting in line with the other numbers an just happens to be first. The first is the least part and the greatest part. The One is the greatest and the least. The whole of the creation. Shout out to the sinews. You know who you are. The One is connected to all and through all and coordinates all of it together as the sole God and creator of our being and existence.

● The Alpha Omega of 1.

● The beauty and symmetry at play with 2 into 3’s

● Take equilateral triangles and vary them in size and rotation through 3D space.

● I didn’t have to try and make beautiful. They reveal their shapes and artistry of the Creator. I have been around 1000’s of artist in my roles and I started recognizing that the Earth and the Creation seems to have style cues as if the world had a style guide or personality of the artist I was starting to see like the various colors and shapes and themes that artist choose. It was not random at all. It’s was Art intentional and creative Art with beauty and Harmony of design and not only in the seen parts of the Creation but the unseen lesser parts that are so necessary considering the overall working body of the Creation through through space time in such perfect harmony.

● The entropy and disorder of some is there on destructive life. A number set without a center. I’ll explain later. They have no Shepherd and no King. They will have no protection against the disorder of chaos in a life without God. I plan to go after those ideas that lift themselves up against God the Father and Jesus the Son being One with and through the even and Holy radiating Spirit of God. God is love. That love was perfected in His Son. It all goes back to the covenant with Abraham and the most important part of our evolution: our spiritual evolution in life is more important than any corporeal change we experience. Therefore, both in reason and pure importance. Shouldn’t we consider the spiritual journey of our growth what God is most concerned with. The elemental in light of the eternal. (Don’t end with something elementary and only about elements). Science should have known they would find a man of God already on the mountain of knowledge when they got there.

● Backthe1

● Andthe1andthe2’s

● When 1 and two became .25

● They turned at 45 line from center and made a quarter turn. The manifold was turn within. So a quarter turn in the 7 direction at the 45 line (to the 50/50 spot) flips back on itself. The other side of the coin.

● This 12pt math to the 9’s is spherical from a center 1 axis.

● The 30 degree is the first loop and the 60 is the second loop. When you count the initial 1 loop at play with forming the first half turn back (the .5 at the center of 1 and looping back to 2)

● See images to help illustrate. The numbers 1-9 are like a revolving spiral staircase and the symmetry of the doubles proceed out Fromm center and the balance to the Omega edge of the whole of the 100.

● When it relates back to a primary

● Everysetof3isaplayonthe2’s

● Nine Hundred... and Ninety Nine

● 4 thousand

● 4 hundred

● And forty four

● The double at the end is always there because of decimals at play first 1.23

● 1.25

● Then quartered and rolled to 5 through space time

● 41.25turnsbackto5

● 3 120 degree turns back to center for triangulation within 45 degree line and 7 as Chief Cornerstone, Center Shepherd, and Divine King through 12pt to the 9’s

● Lookatmy12pttothe9’sinrelationtoAxiswithaHeadat1,3and7

● There Axis at North South, East West, and the Cornerstone the 45 line - a

Perfect at the furthest reaches.

● Times Time and Half a Time

● 1428and5of7

● 7 times 142857 is 999,999

● Divide any number by .142857 and it reveals you how many 7’s are in that number. The decimal places matches, so it shows on either side of center axis, 7 is the way. When 5 is its footstool is at the Omega point in 12. It is

King and Shepherd staff of 7 to the furthest corners within creation. Cornerstone at base and proceeds perfectly through center cross axis. 1 3 7 and the play with 2 4 8.

● Look at the event the meters traveled in terms of the speed of light per second. They are in the 10’s and not to the 12’, so think of the “to the 9’s” part of 12pt in one quadrant and area of interest.

● Consider 999,999,999 at limit

● In 12pt to the 9’s space... not the other side of that

● Minus the speed of light per second of 299,792,458,

● 999,999,999 - 299,792,458 = 707,207,541

● Big Numbers, but still connected to 1

● 1 divided by .299792458 = 3.33564095198152 (3 and 4 at play) Looks like it goes .333 back to the 4 x 13 = 52 at the end approaching 50 / 50 line away from center 1 axis and coming back home to 1

● 1 divided by .707207458 = 1.414012237410539 (notice Shepherd hook at 37 (3’s and the 7’s deflecting back to 21’s the 2’s and the 1’s back to the 3 and 7 times play

● Oh man, is this pointing to Alpha Omega 1 at the Omega edge as everyone rejoices in heaven when He leaves the 99 sheep for the One that was lost (the old idea of zero) as the Shepherd for the Omega 1 to complete set of the 100 for the 1 at center. The one at the infinite edge can still be saved and is quite important!!! The first will be last and the last will be first.

● This inherent design is not random

● ...Whoops,Igotoffpointat3.5and7...backtothe3tothe4

● In terms of symmetry of scale

● As the top of the 1 (5 half to 10 Omega Loop) with 4 parts Then Million is like 1 and Billion two, and Trillion, Three, etc... on their way at next scale up but at base primary first again 1-9

● The double: two sets of 3’s before a million and the quadrant turn to 4. Happens again... billions is like B (we’ll get to language next)

● But, first let’s wrap scale to 3 with zero’s

● Zero’s only commonly play at scaling up or down. Up in number or down

in decimal - decimation.

● Primary 1-9 (no zero’s)

● 1st Omega Point (10’s manifold)

● 2nd Omega Pint (100’s manifold - a bigger or doubled play of 1-9 the

numbers 47 is like 4.7)

● 3rd Omega pint (1,000’s manifold a one from center axis primary number

1-9 and a set number 11-99 or a decimal combo fractal relation between 1 and 81 (nine times nine and the one is one is on the other side of 99 in a way.... The decimal is very unusual and goes unnoticed:

● .01234567901234567 etc.... Every number is there deflected from 8

● 4th Omega point would make a quadrant or full turn in spherical

understaffing at 1,000,000

● Validates the 3 in 1 nature of our numbers.

● The same thing is happening with language but let’s write a proof first and explore the implication of the Big Bang of Math into 12pt to the 9’s beauty and harmony in creation. I see the fulfillment of so much of scripture.

● Jesus is the Alpha and Omega. His confession that we would see Him standing at the right hand of God and equal with God. The Alpha Omega did come to manager, born of Mary, humble and not good looking and suffered a tortuous death as our perfect Priest and King. The act of love of God is beyond measure. God is love and He sent His Son for all of us.


● on August 12 2024

Phil Seawolf (Artist and Publishing Name DBA) James Philip Self is my given name

I go by Phil to friends and Philip to my family

I will be developing these thoughts below with implications but let’s first stay focused on Big Bang of Math and the incredible implications for many people nations tongues and kings

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