
Chief Cornerstone

“I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and delivered himself up for me.”

Galatians 2:20


It all led to the cross. “Jesus delivered Himself up for me/you”

It was the point of the creation that is

the most critical point for us

…by far

All of history changed with the sacrifice of God.

The world was never the same.

Were you changed by the sacrificial death of Jesus?

The most important part beyond theological debates, or our ideas about such things leading to disagreements, it is about the Love of God in Jesus Christ.

All the knowledge in the world is worthless without that love.

Be united in your love from Jesus and known in the world for that love.

What we say we have learned, is only a clanging noise and a harsh word for the heart if shared without love.

A child whom God loves He disciplines.

It is your relationship with God.

His Love in Jesus is the gold.

Jesus is the measuring line, the ruler, and the weight in the scales of God’s judgement.

Love and Justice are only perfectly reconciled in Him

The question is: Were you changed by that sacrificial death of Jesus?

Every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.

Faith comes from hearing and believing in your heart and then confessing with your mouth.

Not many understand the lovingkindness of God. It is not just an ideal about the idea of love as some sort of empty philosophical appeal to God.

The true God and Father of all that it is… took action in His Love for us. What more could someone do than offer the life of their child in exchange for your life?

Is that not love for you?

Do you not see or hear… God Himself in His Word calling you to that love?

We were strangers and He invited us in

I am a simple witness of that great love

Baptism is a sign of making that decision through immersion in the water as a symbol of the washing and forgiveness of your sins through the blood of Jesus and the coming out of the water symbolizing your birth into the newness of life in Christ the Messiah. Justified not by your works, but by His redeeming work. The Son of God

The word of God will come alive to you and the process of sanctification after your justification by
Faith is a part of freedom to follow the commandments of God. The first two greatest commandments as said by Jesus being the keys

“Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, soul and mind and love others as you love yourself.”

John 22:37-40

No one sees the Father without the Son.

He is the Narrow Way

Jesus is the Only Perfect Sacrifice and atonement for your sins with a Holy God

I for one, am a Gentile as known in scripture. To this I testify to the highest level of praise that Jesus has grafted me in and made me a part of the family of God through a gift of faith and belief in the heart that the sacrificial death of Jesus paid for my sins personally.

That is the focus of this page. The love of God for your personally, the narrow way of Jesus Christ through His atonement and not your works. Jesus was the fulfillment of the law and the perfect sacrifice for the atonement of your sins.

That was a real sacrifice in time.

This page denotes the lovingkindness of God expressed through the blood covenant of faith. Its warm colors and natural heart shapes in God’s design are there to embrace you with warmth and love, but are red to denote the great price paid for your freedom and the costing emotion and physical pain and rejection and suffering for our redemption.

That faith in Jesus is like a well of God’s love, constantly overflowing and calling you to be fruitful with the work of the Holy Spirit in a new life with God. I hope you find Faith in Jesus that transforms your life form the inside out and brings great honor to the work of God in Jesus Christ.